Saturday 28 October 2017

Avignon to Aix-en-Provence, and a few realisations...

By Tim, 28th October 2017

Before we left the UK to find a new home in the EU, we had a fair few criteria written down about would make us feel we'd found home. But I think we also knew it would take actual 'boots on the ground' to discover what that meant in reality...
- i.e. - the different environments physically, socially, politically and culturally.

I think when we hit the south of France, despite the huge variety of gorgeous French locations we'd visited, we knew we'd struck gold when we stayed in Bordeaux, Toulouse, Montpellier and then Avignon. All different, but all charming and very liveable in different ways. And all sharing a decent climate, even in Autumn.

We arrived at the conclusion that we need a 'critical mass' of the good stuff - which for us means good community, attractive surroundings, enough going on culturally to hold our interest - meaning a large two or city environment is likely ideal, and most of all friendly people; Ange and I are nomads professionally, but where we lay our hats has got to be somewhere we feel we want to come home to from our travels.

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